We have made a great deal of progress and have several updates to provide the community and other interested stakeholders.
First, we are planning to start operation of the equipment which we have called the “interim measure” in Ditch A as soon as the week of December 17th. This equipment is a granular activated carbon treatment system, and it serves to remove PFOA and PFOS from the surface water running through the ditch. As previously reported, Ditch A runs through the Tyco Fire Technology Center, and then follows a southeasterly path toward the township of Peshtigo. We have submitted and have now received all required permits and approvals for the treatment system and installation of the system is complete.
Second, we have confirmed the location of the treatment system which will address PFOA and PFOS in Ditch B, which eventually crosses West Bay Shore Street and runs through Runnoe Park. The system will be on the campus of Northland Lutheran. The approvals and permitting process for this system are moving forward, and we anticipate installation and start-up in approximately 90 days. We have been working closely with the City of Marinette to obtain approvals from the Planning Commission and the Common Council and also are working closely with the WDNR and the Army Corp of Engineers on agency-required permitting.
Third, the Fall 2018 sampling event is coming to a close. We re-tested 82 private drinking water wells, and we also tested 9 wells for the first time. With this resampling, the overall summary of private well results received to date are as follows:
- 168 private drinking wells have been tested since the program began
- 110 wells had no detections of PFOA/PFOS
- 41 wells returned results with detections below the USEPA HAL. A few of these wells are in the process of being re-sampled, and POET systems were offered for these wells
- 15 wells returned results with detections of PFOA/PFOS above the USEPA lifetime Health Advisory Level (HAL); each property has been offered a POET system
- The results for 2 of the wells are in progress at this point
- 37 POET systems have been installed to date
Fourth, we conducted additional private drinking water well testing near Rader Road and Shore Drive and the results were consistent with other results in the surrounding area (5 of 6 results Non-Detect, 6th result presently undergoing final quality control steps.). We conducted additional Vertical Aquifer Profile (VAP) testing (5 VAP borings, 16 intervals sampled) near Heath Lane and Shore Drive and the results were either Non-Detect or indicated low levels (well below the EPA Health Advisory Level for drinking water) for PFOA/PFOS.
Fifth, we continue to study long term drinking water replacement options with our primary focus being municipal water. We will report additional updates throughout 2019.
We will continue to keep the community, as well as other interested parties, informed of our progress. We are preparing for another Public Informational Meeting in the near future. In the meantime, please contact us with any questions at 715-582-7100.