Tyco today provided the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) with the final results of recent tissue tests and analysis of fish from three privately owned ponds near the Fire Technology Center (FTC).
This new analysis from a second independent laboratory was done because the results from the first round of analysis by another independent lab, which were shared with the WDNR on October 13, were inconclusive. The preliminary tests were inconclusive because the results were clouded by the presence of non-PFAS compounds in the fish tissue. These compounds interfered with the precise measurement of PFAS, much like static that prevents listeners from hearing music being played on the radio.
A total of 26 bluegills, large-mouth bass, yellow perch, pumpkinseed sunfish, and green sunfish were caught and their tissue was sampled for PFAS to help determine whether the fish in the ponds are safe to eat. As expected, the pond closest to the FTC had the highest concentration of the compounds in surface water and in fish tissue.
None of the fish analyzed registered a PFOS level exceeding 200 parts per billion (ppb), which is the level at which a Do Not Eat advisory should be issued, according to the Great Lakes Consortium (GLC),* which recommends guidelines on safe fish consumption and of which Wisconsin is a member. In addition, the PFOS levels present in 10 of the 11 fish analyzed from the two ponds farthest from the FTC were below the 10 ppb level, which the GLC uses to suggest no restrictions on consumption.
Please contact WDNR with any specific questions related to these findings. You can visit the WDNR website for guidance on fish consumption.
At the request of WDNR, Tyco has submitted a work plan to expand this study and also include water accessible to the public.
The results were also provided to the pond owners on November 5. Here are the key findings of the analysis related to the fish and consumption:
Pond A (Located 0.1 miles from the FTC): The 15 fish analyzed from Pond A had PFOS concentrations ranging from 11.6 ppb to 144 ppb. The GLC guidelines recommend that fish with levels between 10-20 ppb should not be eaten more than twice per week. These guidelines also recommend that fish with levels between 20-50 ppb should not be eaten more than once per week and fish with levels between 50-200 ppb should only be eaten once per month.
Pond B (0.75 miles from the FTC): Five of the six fish analyzed from this pond had PFOS readings from 1.36-3.44 ppb. One fish registered 23.7 ppb, which means it falls within the GLC recommendation for fish that should not be eaten more than twice per week.
Pond C (1.1 miles from the FTC): The five fish analyzed recorded PFOS readings of 0.67-1.92 ppb, which means they are safe to eat, according to the GLC guidelines.
* The Great Lakes Consortium is a consortium of federal and state agencies that establishes guidelines for safe fish and meat consumption. The State of Wisconsin is a member of the consortium.
Great Lakes Consortium Guidelines
PFOS Level | Consumption Guideline |
Below 10 ppb | No suggested consumption restriction |
10 – 20 ppb | Fish should be consumed no more than twice per week |
20 – 50 ppb | Fish should be consumed no more than once per week |
50 – 200 ppb | Fish should be consumed no more than once per month |
> 200 ppb | Fish should not be consumed (may result in Do Not Eat advisory) |