Response to DNR request to conduct further testing at resident property on Edwards Avenue

We have previously conducted numerous tests of the groundwater running between the property on Edwards Avenue and Tyco’s Fire Technology Center (FTC). The data from these tests have demonstrated that the groundwater at the subject location is not impacted by FTC-related PFAS. Further, the reported laboratory results from the subject location are not consistent with what we observe in groundwater for these compounds associated with the FTC site. Therefore, there is no known data connecting PFAS at this location to Tyco.

After conducting a detailed review of the data, we decline the DNR’s request based on this data, which has also been shared with agency in the past. Given that the results from this residential well do not align with the PFAS compounds in groundwater downgradient of the FTC, it is critical the DNR now take the necessary steps to identify all other sources of PFAS in the community that may be causing these results.