Tyco Commitment to Safe Deep Well Water Continues Beyond 20 Years

Treated water is safe now and assured for the future.

Tyco has made progress on providing deep wells. We have installed 6 deep wells with treatment systems that are providing safe drinking water to property owners. And Tyco is committed to ensuring that deep well water stays safe long after the 20-year treatment system maintenance contract expires. We are installing a deep aquifer monitoring well network that will monitor water quality, under WDNR oversight. In the unlikely event that PFAS or naturally occurring elements are detected in treated deep well water above applicable drinking water levels in the future, Tyco will work in cooperation with the property owner and DNR and take responsibility for implementing and funding the solution. Again, this commitment continues even after the 20-year period during which Tyco is also paying maintenance expenses for the treatment system.

We have received an additional 46 signed deep well agreements and are reaching out to those property owners to arrange site visits and mark a well location. When road restrictions are lifted and the weather allows, Tyco will be using at least 3 drilling companies to install the remaining deep wells already requested. More neighbors are sending us their deep well agreements, and we will do our best to get any additionally requested deep wells installed as soon as possible.